Friday, February 7, 2014

Snow in Odessa Texas

On my field visit to Odessa and Midland the weather turned freezing and snowed in the morning.



Friday, March 9, 2007

22/365 - Kid's Music

These two boys love to play together. I caught them making some music on the concrete with their toy and cup...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

21/365 - Fire Pit Zoom

A closeup zoom of the fire pit. Don't get burned!

20/365 - Light Shapes

I took this photo inside the Animal Kingdom Lodge @WDW. I love the light shapes both angular and curving...

19/365 - Finally, Back from WDW with a decent HSI connection

OK, I know I haven't been posting everyday, even though I thought I would from Disney World. I did take tons of pix everyday. Now I just have to sort through them...
You would also think that at a Disney Resort you would have decent internet access (especially for $9.95 a day charges). However, I was getting speeds of lower than 28kbs. In fact, the one post I made from Disney was 18/365 below, that was because a friend in my gaming class had a Mac with a Verizon Wireless card and kindly let me tag into his network. I was seeing 36kbs with that hookup, better than the so-called Hi-Speed Access Disney was selling...!!!
Anyway, supposedly it was a glitch of some kind...
So, now I will be posting a whole string of photos from the trip...Enjoy!

Friday, February 23, 2007

18/365 - Training

I was in training today at the conference in the Coronado Springs Resort @ Disney.
The instructor was a little dry at first, but quickly warmed up and I have learned tons of stuff about e-learning games.
I am bursting full of ideas I will never get to implement at work! Figures!

17/365 - First Airplane Ride

Disney Time!!!! We finally boarded the plane Thursday and took off for Disney World in Florida! The kids are very excited because this will be their first time in an airplane and their first time to Disney!

They had a blast looking out the windows of the plane and seeing the ground far below them...